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15 minutes Port Louis : Redevelopment of Queen Victoria Urban Terminal


Port-Louis, the financial, political, and most populated city of the Republic of Mauritius as the nation's capital. The urban setting was formed by the French, British, where the urban setting was centred on four zones: administrative, harbour, trading (commercial), and residential. This outdated urban zone of the city demonstrates its inefficiency on many levels, including how it encourages urban sprawl, fosters a vehicle-oriented environment for commuting between zones, encourages the use of motorise vehicle, and heavy traffic congestion which results in a loss of 4 billion rupees per annum.  The 15 minutes Port-Louis is the redevelopment of Queen Victoria Urban Terminal to a multimodal transportation hub consists of the implementation of a gondola lift system that link the urban neighbourhood to the city centre. The aim is to promote walking and cycling as a primary method of mobility within the city centre.   The concept of connecting the zones of the city in order to provide accessibility to the people within a 15-minute commuting time via a sustainable mobility method; cable car, cycling, scooter, walking. Design strategies are focus on the pedestrian accessibility to their daily needs.

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