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Oyster Farm in Town: Revitalizing Oyster Aquaculture through Nature-Based Solutions to Maintain Stable Ecosystem Services in Muar


Muar oysters were already well-known in the history of Muar as been recorded in various writings since 1858. The oysters found in the Muar River Mouth are believed to be among the highest quality in the world. However, due to environmental factors, the ecosystem is unstable, and the oyster population and market export rates are low.  To truly tap the potential of Oyster at Muar River Mouth, the environmental threats that could devastate the region over the coming decades need to be addressed. Also, improvements and additions need to be made to the ecosystem, attractions, housing developments, and recreational spaces to promote the well-being and economic interests of the community and tourists alike in order to maintain a stable ecosystem.  From my poster visually pointing out the community live above water and life below water. People always neglect the life below water as we can’t see it as the viewpoint in the poster. You can see there’s a giant oyster with fisherman at the middle and the mangrove connect the life below water. There’s the scene to reveal that our community is support by the life below so what should we do rather than ignore it? Nature-based solutions architecture will be the way to achieve the resilient in our community. 
This led to the development of programs centered on three guiding principles: Adapt, Sustain, and Connect. The overarching goal is to adapt to environmental issues and protect coastal heritage to preserve the environment's natural integrity, enhance recreational programs to improve the local economy and bring convenience to residents and visitors, and create multi-functional open spaces that encourage healthy lifestyles and social interactions.

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